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The strangest ways to prepare coffee around the world!

Writer's picture: kami kazekami kaze

Historically and around the world, not everyone made coffee in one way that was agreed upon as the traditional method. Even some of the methods of preparing coffee seemed ridiculous to us!

For many people, coffee is more likely to be prepared by adding water and milk to it, with an additional mixture of buying a sweet taste. As for the residents of the Arabian Peninsula, coffee, from their perspective, depends on grinding it roasted to a certain degree with some aromatic additives such as cardamom, cloves, saffron, and ginger, then boiling it to get a beloved blond drink with dates!

Whether you like it or not, the methods and ingredients for unconventional coffee brewing are on the increase! In this article, we review some of the strangest of these methods, and you may want to try one of them as we search for additional work during the home quarantine!

The strangest way to prepare coffee at all!
Filtration with milk

For true coffee lovers, they believe that the drip or filter method is the best way to obtain the original taste of coffee, bypassing water through a ground coffee and letting it filter to obtain the pure liquid. This is not the only way to extract the origin of the coffee! Milk can be substituted for water!

Hot milk is poured directly onto the ground coffee via a filter, and you will have a warm brown drink with a heavy dose of caffeine. However, do not try this method with any electrical appliance, as heating the milk will release the calcium and sugar that may clog the machine.

Use a sock

Don't be in a hurry to wear a sock out of your clothes, it is often referred to as a sock but it is a filter cloth. The method involves soaking the coffee in the "sock" and some hot water. The coffee is brewed in water for five minutes and then removed. Then the liquid is passed through another open filter into a cup, and you can add sweetened condensed milk to enjoy the full experience.

Add nitrogen

It is difficult to prepare coffee this way at home, but it has recently become a growing trend in many coffee shops. This method involves injecting nitrogen into a cold coffee, in the same way, that carbon dioxide is added to a soft drink to give it fizz.

This method is often done using barrels and served in cans or by using taps. This method results in a soft and cold coffee drink, and it contains 30% more caffeine than a hot drink.

Preparing coffee with eggs

It is one of the old ways found in Scandinavia, mostly in Sweden and Norway. Where an uncooked egg is mixed with 200 ml of water and coffee beans in a bowl until it becomes smooth, then let it boil on low heat for 3-5 minutes, then add 100 ml of cold water and leave it for two minutes. The coffee is then filtered to get rid of any floating materials and served.

Some ways to prepare coffee with eggs include adding crushed eggshells to the coffee, but not everyone wants the crunchy eggshell in their coffee!

Add butter

Also known as “Bulletproof Coffee,” it is a popular friend of athletes and is said to increase energy and keep you full for a long time. This strange drink is the brainchild of an American health expert who drank tea with yak butter in Tibet and took this strange experience home. Many people add coconut oil to their coffee to get a delicious and filling taste.

If you want to try this drink, you have to make sure that you get the right type of coffee beans, and use appropriate butter and not any kind in the refrigerator, so that you get a smooth and comfortable drink.

Yuanyang drink

A strange method of preparing coffee, invented mainly by Hong Kong residents, and consists mainly of coffee mixed with tea and sweetened condensed milk, and adding each of these three ingredients in equal parts.

Broccoli coffee

A somewhat new trend that lovers of exotic flavors try to promote by creating unique coffee flavors by mixing it with exotic ingredients, such as broccoli! Where broccoli powder is used and added to the coffee powder and prepare your coffee the way you want! Broccoli powder is usually prepared from discarded parts such as stems, so this method is promoted as environmentally friendly and reduces food waste.


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